Henrik Hedlund Yet another developer rambling incoherently in a corner of the internet
Posts with the tag googlecloud:

Firestore Testing with Fakes in Go

In this post we’re going to look at how we can create fakes to test Go code that interacts with Firestore. I’m going to refer to this part of the application as a repository, but it could be any code that stores or fetches data in a Firestore database.

Cloud Pub/Sub Schemas

Google Cloud Pub/Sub message schemas is a feature promising to bring some order into the potential chaos that lurks within a highly event driven architecture. In this post we’re going to investigate using Protocol Buffers as Pub/Sub schemas together with Go and Terraform.

Google Cloud Functions with private Go dependencies

Anyone who has deployed a Google Cloud Function written in Go knows that there are a number of restrictions involved. For example, the highest Go version supported is 1.13. Another example is the lack of built-in support for dependencies when using Go modules. This post covers an approach to handling the latter using Terraform.

Scheduled Google Cloud Functions, part 2

This is the second part of a three part series about scheduling Google Cloud Functions, using technologies such as Terraform and Cloud Scheduler. If you haven’t read the first part yet, I suggest you have a glance at it, because it will be the foundation for the things I’m setting out to do here.

In the last article we deployed, and scheduled, a Cloud Function using Pub/Sub, which is the quickest, easiest and recommend way of getting it done. In this article, we’re going to remove the Pub/Sub topic and simply have Cloud Scheduler invoke the Cloud Function directly over HTTP.

Scheduled Google Cloud Functions, part 1

This is the first part of a planned three part series, covering using Terraform to deploy Google Cloud Functions and schedule invoking them using the Cloud Scheduler.

This first article will cover a normal, and simple, setup using Pub/Sub for the scheduling. The second part of the series is now available here.